210719 hr2795 dhsbluecampaignenhancementact house


July 19, 2021



The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports H.R. 2795, the “DHS Blue Campaign Enhancement Act.” This bill would strengthen the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign, would improve the availability of human trafficking prevention training opportunities, and would enhance the development of trainings and materials.

This bill would amend Section 434 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the director of the Blue Campaign to develop web-based interactive training videos. This will provide online training opportunities to Federal, State, local, Tribal, and territorial law enforcement officers; detention and correction system personnel, and other individuals as the director determines appropriate. Training will allow law enforcement and other key stakeholders to recognize signs of human trafficking and increase awareness.

The legislation would also amend Section 434 to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a Blue Campaign Advisory Board with a representative from each of the following Department of Homeland Security components: The Transportation Security Administration, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, the United States Secret Service, and any other components or offices the Secretary determines appropriate.

This bill emphasizes the federal government’s commitment to partner with nongovernmental organizations to stop human trafficking. The legislation requires the director to consult the Board regarding the following: recruitment tactics used by human traffickers; the development of effective awareness campaigns; and identification of persons or entities that may be uniquely positioned to recognize signs of human trafficking. Such outreach may encompass associations that represent business interests’ or companies that highlight best practices.

The DHS Blue Campaign Enhancement Act is a positive step towards eradicating human trafficking.


Neil L. Bradley

210719 hr2795 dhsbluecampaignenhancementact house