Air Date

July 17, 2020

Featured Guest

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci
Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases


Suzanne P. Clark
President and CEO, U.S. Chamber of Commerce


After more than a year of life during the coronavirus pandemic, people have grown fatigued. While taking the proper health and safety measures has demonstrably saved lives and protected people, many have also grown tired of being in isolation and long for socialization.

Fortunately, there does seem to be an end in sight: In late 2020, states began administering the coronavirus vaccine to high-risk groups, which has ultimately produced some favorable results.

In July 2020, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., National Institute of Allergy and Infection Diseases Director, spoke with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation about the coronavirus vaccine and where its progress was at the time. He shared that multiple vaccines were at the time entering advanced clinical trials that could be approved by that fall. His initial estimates were right on schedule, and given his accuracy, there is hope that the coronavirus will be under control by the end of 2021.

The Key to Ending the Pandemic is Science and Further Coronavirus Vaccine Studies

The greatest tool in the fight against the coronavirus is science. Since the distribution of the first vaccines, there has been increased optimism within the scientific community the virus could soon be contained. The studies and resulting tests have so far been positive. So long as we continue to follow the science and health and safety guidelines, Dr. Fauci is confident that we will be able to end the pandemic.

“Science, I can tell you, will come to our rescue, hopefully sooner rather than later,” Fauci said. “We're going as fast as we possibly can with the development of therapeutics and the development of a vaccine, which as you know…we got some pretty favorable results in the early studies of vaccines.”

Life Will Return to a Relative State of Normalcy Once the Virus is Contained

Many people have questioned what the world will look like once the virus is contained. While there may be some changes to workflow and hybrid workforces, the perception is that people will be able to gather in large groups as they used to once the pandemic is over.

“We feel cautiously optimistic that we are on the road as bleak as it may sound right now that we are on the road of getting this under control,” said Fauci. “We will get back to normal with schools. And we will ultimately get back to normal with every other aspect of our lives.”