Asia Program
The Chamber's Asia Department gives voice to policies that help American companies compete and prosper in Asia's dynamic marketplace. Our expertise allows companies to actively shape policy debates in Asian countries and in Washington. The Chamber helps companies gain greater access to senior government officials and corporate representatives in a way few organizations can.
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WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s U.S.-Korea Business Council and the Korea-U.S. Business Council concluded their 31st annual plenary meeting today, issuing a joint statement with six recommendations that would strengthen U.S.-Korea commercial ties and, in turn, the overall U.S.-Korea relationship.
This agreement will allow U.S. farmers and businesses to compete on a more level playing field.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Myron Brilliant, executive vice president and head of International Affairs, U.S.
September 11, 2019 The Honorable Robert LighthizerUnited States Trade Representative600 17th Street, NWWashington, DC 20508 Dear Ambassador Lighthizer:
U.S.-China Economic Dialogue Remarks by Myron Brilliant in Beijing, China on September 10, 2019.
Calling for a Trade Deal Now to Address Legitimate Concerns and End Tariffs
The data add to mounting evidence that tariffs pose a major threat to economic growth.
We’re calling on our leaders to eliminate the uncertainty, rebuild business confidence and keep this economy working for all Americans.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Myron Brilliant, executive vice president and head of international affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement today in response to the president's announcement of a forthcoming U.S.-Japan trade deal:
Myron Brilliant, Executive Vice President and Head of International Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce issued the following statement today in response to the escalating trade tensions between the U.S. and China.