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U.S.-Kuwait Business Council Membership
Board Level Membership
Access to senior-level members of the USKBC
A seat on the USKBC board of directors
Priority invitations to CEO-level briefings and bilateral meetings with U.S. and Kuwaiti government officials
Leadership opportunities in executive trade missions, annual meeting, and events
Increased visibility for company branding
Participation in setting Council's advocacy goals and strategic planning
Advocacy assistance to resolve company-specific trade or investment issues
All Corporate Membership benefits listed below
Corporate Membership
Participation on the Council's policy task forces to address specific company priorities in the United States and Kuwait
Assistance with arranging meeting for company executives visiting Kuwait
Opportunities to participate in Council members-only events, executive trade missions, and briefings with U.S. and Kuwaiti government officials.
Business intelligence, policy, and sector-specific advocacy updates.