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Welcome to 2025 Midwest Institute! We are excited you will be joining us June 1-5, 2025, at the University of Madison-Wisconsin. In the weeks before Institute begins, you will have heard from your Class Advisor, an Institute graduate that is ready to help you with questions you may have. In the meantime, this packet contains many details that will help make your Institute experience fulfilling and worthwhile.
Feel free to contact Institute staff at (202) 463-5570 if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in Madison!
Week at a Glance
Your Institute experience begins with on-site registration and pre-site networking from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 1, 2025, in the AT&T Lounge at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Pyle Center (702 Langdon St, Madison, WI 53706). Classes will end at 11:30 am Thursday, June 5, 2025. The general schedule for the Institute week can be found here.
Lodging and Travel
Be sure to start planning your travel and lodging arrangements. Visit the Midwest Institute page for details about how to get to Madison, preferred options for accommodations and more. There is one lodging option available and our reserved block of rooms tends to fill quickly, so we suggest booking a room as soon as possible.
You are responsible for transportation to and from the site, housing, and incidental expenses.
Breakfasts and dinners are at your own expense, but the following meals are included with your Institute tuition:
- Lunch on the following days: Monday-Wednesday
- Morning and afternoon snacks on the following days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (morning snack only on Thursday).
The dress code for Institute is business casual. Business casual is defined as follows: Pants: Casual slacks, trousers and jeans without holes, frays, etc. Shorts, while permitted, are discouraged due to the temperature of classrooms. Shirts: All shirts with collars, business casual crewneck or V-neck shirts, blouses, Institute class t-shirts, golf and polo shirts. Examples of unacceptable shirts include shirts with inappropriate slogans, tank tops, muscle shirts, camouflage, and crop tops. The temperature in Grainger can vary between classrooms, so we recommend bringing a sweater or jacket with you to class. The Graduation Ceremony is cocktail, and typical attire includes dresses or slacks for women and suits or sports coats for men. More information on the recommended dress code can be found here.
Industry Consultations
Attendees are encouraged to take advantage of the industry consultation program. While on-site, participants will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one in a private setting with a subject matter expert and have a candid conversation about the topic of their choosing. You may sign up for an industry consultation by following this link.
There will be a silent auction on-site that will run through the week of Institute. Attendees are invited to bring an item to donate to the auction. All proceeds from the silent auction go to the Midwest Institute Scholarship Fund.
What to Know Before You Go
In order to make the most out of Institute, be sure to arrive on-site knowing the following information about your organization. This will ensure you have the background knowledge to fully participate in class discussions.
Things you need to know:
- The number of members your organization has.
- Your organization’s budget size.
- The number of people on your board.
- How often your board meets.
Things which are good to know:
- Your organization’s mission statement.
- Information about your organization’s Form 990.
- Your organization’s market penetration percentage.
- The amount or percentage your organization has in reserves.
Helpful Hints
- Have your Class Advisor’s cell phone number handy at all times.
- Bookmark the Event Hub in your browser for easy access on-site and to avoid having to log-in each time.
- Be prepared to walk and wear comfortable shoes.
- Get connected with classmates on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc.
- Bring some petty cash (between $50 and $100) to use throughout the week.
- Try not to be distracted with work back at the office while you’re at Institute. If possible, keep the focus on the education and networking.
- Don’t worry if you initially feel overwhelmed with meeting new people at Institute. Find commonalities with your classmates and use the week to network and build friendships.
- Before attending Institute, think about the strategic challenges and opportunities you and your organization face. You’ll get more out of class, and you can sign up for industry consultations with board members on-site.
- Do your best to attend evening events, such as the class activity. The networking and sharing of best practices extend beyond the classroom.
Accessing On-Site Information
Information can be found through the Event Hub, as well as an on-site app available for download. The Event Hub is a one-stop-shop where you can access your agenda, download class handouts and materials, browse attendee and faculty profiles, sign up for industry consultations, participate in the silent auction, and view other important on-site information. It is the recommended way to access everything you need on-site. You must log into the Event Hub using the username and password created during registration in order to view your schedule.
All resources—including access to the silent auction, course evaluations, and the Event Hub—will be centralized on the Institute Linktree, which will be made available for two weeks before and after Institute.
Be sure to log in to your registration and check your elective selections. If you are missing any of the required three electives or have any questions regarding whether you have taken an elective before and would like to request a transcript, please reach out to iom@uschamber.com.
By registering for Institute, you agree to Institute’s Policies and Procedures. Please contact the Institute office at (202) 463-5570 if you have any questions related to Institute’s policies.
For your convenience, the cancellation and attendance policies are below.
CancellationCancellations can be made by contacting the Institute office at iom@uschamber.com. A $50 cancellation fee will be charged, and the remaining funds will be issued upon cancellation. The remaining funds will be issued upon cancellation. If an attendee’s cancellation occurs within the 14-day window prior to site, a $250 late cancellation fee will be imposed. No-show attendees who fail to cancel within or before the 14-day deadline will forfeit all paid tuition.
Attendance PolicyTo maintain the credibility of the IOM recognition and the 96 credit hours it represents, class attendance is recorded and taken seriously. At the completion of the program, participants will have earned 96 of the required 100 hours toward their Certified Association Executive (CAE) certification and 28 points toward their Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) certification.
Participants must attend all classes to receive full credit toward their IOM recognition and required hours toward an industry certification. Please be sure your travel arrangements provide adequate time to complete all classes.
Missed class time will result in required make-up work in order to receive credit. Please contact the Institute staff with questions.
Thank you again for registering for Midwest Institute. See you in Madison!