250119 Hill Letter 2025 TSCA Hearing letter House Commerce FINAL
January 22, 2025
Dear Chairman Guthrie and Chairman Griffith:
The domestic production of chemicals is critical to U.S. economic growth, global competitiveness, and the development and advancement of transformative technologies. The business of chemistry drives the innovation that Americans depend on every day, from computer chips and medicines to infrastructure and energy. That is why the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act was intended to modernize TSCA by ensuring timely and science-based decisions. We believe the USEPA’s current approach to implementing the law, however, has led to significant delays, inefficiencies, and regulatory uncertainty that undermine both congressional intent and American innovation.
As the Subcommittee on Environment convenes to assess the legacy and impact of the Act, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce offers the following observations of how the EPA’s inability to meet its statutory obligations under TSCA Section 5 threatens the chemical sector’s ability to deliver innovative solutions.
To read the full text of the letter, click below.