
May 02, 2017



Interest in regulatory cooperation has grown in recent years, given the benefits that

it can confer on a wide range of stakeholders. In order for regulatory cooperation

to be effective, however, it is important that the process undertaken to develop

regulation be comprised of internationally recognized best practices.

This guide outlines those best practices and serves as an overview for governments

and stakeholders alike to assess to what degree internationally recognized best

practices are adopted to form a foundation for cross-border regulatory

cooperation initiatives. The guide proceeds as follows:

Chapter 1 – Good Regulatory Practices and Regulatory Cooperation

Chapter 2 – The Benefits from Successful Regulatory Cooperation

Chapter 3 – Key Components of Good Regulatory Practices

Chapter 4 – The Role of a Central Coordinating Body

Checklist – The Bridge to Cooperation, Step-by-Step

It is our hope that, when combined with discussions among interested governments

and stakeholders, this guide can serve to harness the promise of international

regulatory cooperation – delivering benefits to regulators, consumers and

businesses alike.

Sean Heather

Vice President, Center for Global Regulatory Cooperation

U.S. Chamber of Commerce