Explore Institute
National Board of Trustees
Institute’s National Board of Trustees helps set the strategic direction of the Institute program. Trustees come from a wide variety of associations, chambers, and nonprofit organizations and often volunteer their time at the different Institute sites.
Boards of Regents
Each of the four Institute sites has its own Board of Regents that oversees the implementation of the program on-site. Regents are Institute graduates who are highly dedicated to the success of Institute and who work diligently throughout the year, setting the stage for a productive week.
Class Advisors
Each class has its own Class Advisor who is an Institute graduate and whose enthusiasm helps his/her class make the most of their Institute experience. Class Advisors are like homeroom teachers—they are there to answer questions, facilitate learning, and build team spirit.
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee ensures that the curriculum is tied to the CAE and CCE bodies of knowledge while maintaining relevance to today’s issues.
All Institute volunteers serve in an advisory capacity.