Amy Hager, IOM, CAE Amy Hager, IOM, CAE
CEO and Founder, Amy Hager Solutions


September 21, 2023


I often see chamber and association people asking for “fresh” or “new” ways to talk about why people join our organizations because what they are doing isn’t working. Unfortunately, it isn’t working because we tend to lead our organization’s marketing efforts with benefits like:

  • Make new connections with peers and industry professionals
  • Business Resources
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Discounts on services
  • An online profile
  • Access to a member portal

Is that really what people want?

Do people really want more resources when you can YouTube or Google anything to find the answer? Do they really want to have to know another username and password to access a portal? Do they really need more networking opportunities?


Are you asking yourself: If we didn’t talk about a single benefit of joining the organization, what are we supposed to talk about? How will people buy into the organization? Let’s dive in!

Buyers today want to know what is in it for them. And even though they are often asking “How will I benefit by joining?” We are not giving them what they really want.

We are creating transformations daily at our organizations and we tend not to talk about them. By staying vague and broad in our marketing and messaging, we often don’t show the true value of what we have to offer. People can’t see themselves in our organizations or having that experience. My tip: Your marketing isn’t working unless someone looks at it and says “Nope, not for me”. Marketing should repel and attract.

Many have this fear that if we don’t talk to everyone we can serve in every single piece of marketing content we are going to miss people. We are missing people by trying to talk to everyone. I understand we don’t want to isolate people or make people feel unwanted, but no one will join us if they don’t see the true transformation they will receive from the resources, networking, discounts, or member portals.

Here is an example:

  • We provide new board members with information about governance, finance, and human resources.

The new board member is probably honestly thinking something along the lines “Great, more stuff I have to read when I don’t have time to deal with what I have on my plate now”.

Does this sound more transformative for the new board member?

  • We help new board members become highly functional and high-performing by teaching them about governance, finance, and human resources.

This is what people want – not more resources, information, or stuff. 

Second example:

  • We offer networking opportunities.

Again, who cares and who wants another thing to attend?

  • We bring together members to make new connections with vendors to generate new business.

I invite you to try. Take one of your benefits and see how you can change it into a transformation statement. Come find me on LinkedIn, share your before benefit and how you turned it into a transformation statement and I will provide feedback.

About the authors

Amy Hager, IOM, CAE

Amy Hager, IOM, CAE

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