Tammy Wellbrock, IOM, CAE Tammy Wellbrock, IOM, CAE
Founder, Girl Twin Solutions, LLC


March 22, 2023


A Resiliency Work Pause, or a post-challenge debriefing, is an intentional and timely experiential conversation.

The work of a chamber professional can be rewarding, but unfortunately this industry is not without its challenging moments.

Maybe you were scolded by an angry member, or the organization completed a nerve-wracking, emotionally draining annual event, or you endured some other negative situation. The work of chamber professionals can be stressful and if not addressed, this stress can create long-term health issues for individuals as well as the organization.

What if I told you that these negative times can present a gift of learning and resiliency when your team is most challenged?

To ensure your team can grow from these difficult times, chamber leaders should be proactive. This intentional and timely experiential conversation, or a post-challenge debriefing, is called a Resiliency Work Pause. This visit should follow the challenging moment as soon as possible so you can discuss when memories are fresh, and emotions can be addressed.

Here are the 4 steps you should follow when enacting a Resiliency Work Pause:

Step 1: Ensure an emotionally safe environment

Take a temperature check to see if anyone is needing attention due to an abnormal range of fatigue or frustration. Allow time for all to relax and focus on the present. Encourage everyone to observe from as neutral of a perspective as possible, so that you avoid judgment and can establish a supportive space.

Step 2: Create purposeful conversation

Encourage open, honest dialogue, and feedback through reflection. As the leader, ask probing, thoughtful question that help the team identify and reflect upon what happened.

Step 3: Find meaning in difficulties

These moments can provide rich teachable moments and develop greater coping strategies to help with future situations. Looking for the deeper meaning helps give a sense of accomplishment and purpose and together this can be extremely empowering.

Step 4: Focus on flexibility

Mental flexibility requires adaptability in the face of difficulties. The key is to avoid limiting your chance of success by focusing on just one way to accomplish it. Building your inner strength and shifting your perspectives aids you in seeing past troubles. Anticipating challenges makes it easier to adapt and view the future with less anxiety. When you’re flexible, you’re versatile, resilient, and responsive to change.

The benefits of a Resiliency Work Pause help both the individual and team.  By engaging in self-care, employees may be less likely to experience burnout. When the learning and healing process is done as a team, they may become unified which allows for for greater collaboration, growth, and connection. Furthermore, helping employees gain greater self-control and maintain composure during times of heightened stress is extremely empowering and helps people gain greater positive outlooks.

The most resilient individuals and teams aren’t the ones that don’t encounter stress, but rather the ones that learn and thrive because of it.

About the authors

Tammy Wellbrock, IOM, CAE

Tammy Wellbrock, IOM, CAE

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