Geoff Williams


About Geoff

Geoff Williams is a freelance journalist who regularly writes for U.S. News & World Report and generally specializes in business and personal finance issues. He has written for numerous publications, including The Wall Street Journal,,, The Washington Post, Consumer Reports, LIFE and many more. He has written several books, including C.C. Pyle’s Amazing Foot Race and Washed Away and has a classic TV blog called He lives with his two college-aged daughters in Loveland, OH.


Inside the Big (Specialty Market) Growth Opportunity in the $88.9 Billion U.S. Coffee Industry

Yes, it’s a drink, but it’s so much more. Consumers are insisting on it. That’s why premium roasts, novel flavors, and immersive settings are driving sales for boutique coffee businesses.

Newegg Wins Over Gen Z Customers Via Livestream Commerce

After first experimenting, and then driving sales, via this emerging shopping vehicle, the brand is wooing a consumer group with an estimated $360 billion in buying power.