Cat Dority, IOM, MA Cat Dority, IOM, MA
Vice President of Marketing, Explore Charleston


September 30, 2023


I fondly remember a favorite board member of mine that frequently used the phrase, “Sell What’s on the Truck”.  The mere thought of promoting what your destination (or organization) offers seems so obvious but something many of us miss.  In a high-tech and high-paced world where many are glued to one form of social media, we find ourselves trying to compete in spaces where we don’t even need to be.

This is easy to frame under the umbrella of destination marketing but not always as easy for a trade association or chamber of commerce.  Because, we have to also find ways to market where our organization is headed.

If a destination is coastal, there is no reason to tout mountains. However, what about a destination that is steeped in history and wants to appeal to an emerging young and affluent market?  Or a destination that is recovering from a natural disaster and is not quite ready to welcome visitors back BUT does not want to be forgotten about when they are? The hotels are not quite ready and “on the truck” today.

For associations and chambers of commerce, leadership should focus on being exactly what the organization was created to be.  Your Chamber wants to bring the business community together by supporting local education and entrepreneurship?  Then stick to those issues.  Your association is the trade organization for dentists…let the pediatricians do their own thing.

Use your mission statement for the exact purpose that it was created for…a guiding principle to lead your team and members.  If something does not fall under it, keep moving.  Your members will appreciate your steadfast commitment to the reason(s) why they joined!

About the authors

Cat Dority, IOM, MA

Cat Dority, IOM, MA

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