Emily Heaslip


About Emily

Emily is a versatile freelance copywriter who writes for brands and agencies in tech, finance, and fashion. She is currently based in Cape Town and spends her free time running around Table Mountain.


Is Free Delivery Good for Business?

Free delivery, when set up as a subscription model, is great for businesses and customers, according to a new study.

How to Spark Entrepreneurial Creativity

These five strategies can help you break out of your creative rut and spark entrepreneurial thinking.


How to Test Business Ideas

Testing your business idea will help you prove its viability and ensure there's a solid market for your new company. Here are seven steps to get started.

How to Be a More Authentic Entrepreneur (and How It Can Help Your Business)

Authenticity is more than just a marketing buzzword. Here's how to make your next venture truly authentic to build long-term customer loyalty.

How Being A Parent Makes You a Better Entrepreneur

'Parentpreneurs' are uniquely positioned to take the skills they’ve learned through raising a family to a business setting.


The Key Statements of Financial Reporting

Good financial accounting leads to good financial reporting, and those reports commonly come in the form of four key financial documents.


How to Choose a Business Name

It can be difficult to choose the right name for your business. Here are a few basic steps to help you generate ideas.

Tech Tools for Influencers

These tools help influencers stay organized, work more efficiently, and engage with their audience in unique ways.

Should Your Business Create NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, offer a way to earn additional revenue, but they are still considered speculative compared to other fundraising options.

How to Develop a QA Process for Your Business

A quality assurance program can help your business standardize and improve everything from customer service to product functionality.