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Business Financing

You'll need cash to grow your business. Everything you need to know about traditional business loans and alternative lenders.

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What Is Collateral?

Putting down collateral can make it easier to qualify for a loan, but it can be a risky move.

How to Fund Your Small Business

Here's a detailed guide on how to fund your business, whether you're just beginning or you have a few years under your belt.

Buying an Existing Business? Here's How to Finance Your Purchase

Ready to buy an established brand? Explore these small business acquisition financing options.

How to Calculate Cost of Equity

When investing in a business project or opportunity, you need to see a return worth the risk. Learn how the cost of equity influences your decision.

Seasonal Business Taxes: Guide for Business Owners

Seasonal businesses have fluctuating incomes but are responsible for paying taxes like any other business.

How to Get Funding for Your Inventions

Are you ready to get paid for invention ideas or bring your design to market? Explore key considerations and seven financing methods.

How to Apply for a Business Grant

Funding your startup can be a challenge. Applying for a grant can take time but may give you that boost you need to launch or sustain your business.

Guide to SBA Loans

Funding is a top challenge for many entrepreneurs. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers special financial solutions for eligible small business owners.

What Is a Bridge Loan, and Is It Right for My Business?

Like a consumer payday loan, a business bridge loan can help you get cash fast to meet urgent expenses. Here’s what it is and when it’s wise to get one.

Secured Business Loans: The Pros and Cons

Secured business loans require you to have collateral, such as a large business or personal asset. Here are the pros and cons.