
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

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Case Updates

U.S. Chamber files supplemental amicus brief in Fifth Circuit explaining how SEC v. Jarkesy supports the conclusion that FDIC civil enforcement proceedings violate the Seventh Amendment

January 22, 2025

U.S. Chamber Supplemental Amicus Brief

Steven A. Engel, Justin W. Aimonetti, Michael H. McGinley, and Brian A. Kulp of Dechert LLP served as outside counsel.

U.S. Chamber files amicus brief urging Fifth Circuit to hold that FDIC civil enforcement proceedings violate the Seventh Amendment right to a civil jury trial and that removal restrictions on administrative law judges violate the separation of powers

April 07, 2023

Click here to view the brief. Steven A. Engel, Michael H. McGinley, Justin W. Aimonetti, and Brian A. Kulp of Dechert LLP and the U.S. Chamber’s Litigation Center served as co-counsel for the U.S. Chamber.

Case Documents
