U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
Case Status
Oral Argument Date
December 09, 2019
Case Updates
Third Circuit reverses dismissal of nuisance claims, adopting expansive view of private rights of action for public and private nuisance under Pennsylvania law
July 13, 2020
Click here to view the opinion.
U.S. Chamber leads coalition amicus brief urging Third Circuit to affirm traditional boundaries of nuisance claims under Pennsylvania law
August 12, 2019
Click here to view the brief.
Robert L. Byer and John E. Moriarty of Duane Morris LLP served as co-counsel for the amici.
Case Documents
- Opinion -- Baptiste v. Bethlehem Landfill Co. (EDPA).pdf
- E D Pa Court Decisiongranting Motionto Dismiss2 C Westlawcopy Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co
- Appellants’ Opening Brief without Joint Appendix -- Baptiste v. Bethlehem Landfill Co. (Third Circuit).pdf
- Appellants E099 Opening Briefand Joint Appendix2 C Vol Iof II Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- Appellants E099 Opening Briefand Joint Appendix2 C Vol IIof II Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- Appellee's Reply Brief Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- Appellants' Reply Brief Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- NWRA Amicus Brief Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- Chamberof Commerce Amicus Brief Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- Public Intrest Law Center Amicis Brief Baptistev Bethlehem Landfill Co Third Circuit
- Opinion -- Baptiste v. Bethlehem Landfill Co. (Third Circuit).pdf