
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Review Commission

Case Status

Docket Number



Case Updates

Occupational Safety & Health Review Commission reverses ALJ decision, holding the government to its significant burden of proof when alleging “general duty clause” violations

February 28, 2019

Click here to view the opinion.

U.S. Chamber submits amicus brief urging OSHRC to apply disciplined approach to determining whether the Secretary of Labor has established a violation of the “General Duty Clause” in cases with alleged hazards involving multiple factors

May 14, 2018

Click here to view the brief filed jointly by the U.S. Chamber, Utility Line Clearance Coalition, Tree Care Industry Association, and United States Postal Service.

Arthur G. Sapper, Melissa A. Bailey, and Lucas J. Asper of Ogletree Deakins served as co-counsel for the amici.

Case Documents
