The U.S. Chamber submitted comments to the European Commission as it considers revisions and updates to its General Pharmaceuticals Legislation, which is Europe’s attempt to foster innovation, improve the resiliency of the healthcare sector in Europe, bolster supply chain security, and ensure access to innovative medicines across the EU. We encouraged the EU to do a better job of rewarding and prioritizing innovation, guarantee strong IP protections for manufacturers, and preserve open and integrated global supply chains rather than attempting to cut Europe off from the global economy in healthcare. We also focused on the importance of digital health and transatlantic coordination, including for research and pandemic response and recovery.
- International
The Quad Looms Large for U.S. Strategy in the Indo-Pacific
This group of nations will play a major role in U.S. strategy in the Indo-Pacific region as the Trump administration settles into office.
By John G. Murphy
- International
Is Water Too Cheap?
By Jay Sapsford
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