
March 25, 2022


WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Chamber Executive Vice President and Head of International Affairs Myron Brilliant issued the following statement in response to news of a political agreement on the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA):

“While details are still emerging, we are disappointed that the European Union has opted to target a handful of largely American companies with the DMA. A policy of de facto discrimination against U.S.-headquartered companies threatens to undermine much needed transatlantic cooperation on tech policy at a time when unity and leadership are essential to develop rules of the road for a rapidly digitalizing global economy.

“Unfortunately, the EU elected to target a limited number of specific firms rather than address harmful business conduct. Companies captured by this new regulation have little in common other than their size and offer dramatically different product and services. This sort of one-size-fits-all regulatory policy runs the risk of significant unintended consequences and threatens to undermine innovation and investment in Europe’s digital economy. It also sets a dangerous precedent as other countries will be more likely to explicitly target foreign investors and favor national champions in the future.

“Many questions about the DMA remain unanswered, including exactly which services are in scope and who will enforce the new rules. With U.S. and European leaders set to meet in France for the next Trade and Technology Council meeting in May, we urge policymakers to work together to ensure that transatlantic security and geopolitical considerations, as well as the principle of fair and non-discriminatory treatment, guide the DMA and consideration of other European digital policy measures.”