Kelly Rosenblatt Kelly Rosenblatt
Former Senior Manager, Small Business Policy, U.S. Chamber of Commerce


October 10, 2019


Yacov Wrocherinsky, CEO & Founder of Orion Global Solutions

To better highlight the impressive members of the small business community, we sat down with the 2019 Dream Big Award finalists to learn more about their startup stories, the challenges they have faced, and what the future of business looks like to them. We chatted with Yacov Wrocherinsky, CEO and founder of New York-based Orion Global Solutions, an innovative consulting firm within the Salesforce ecosystem. Here is what Yacov had to say (what follows has been lightly edited for length and clarity):

Q: What inspired the creation of your business? What problem does it help to solve?

I have been passionate about helping people and making a difference through technology. I love building communities and leveraging business as a force for good by making a positive impact on our communities, country, and the world. As a 30+ pioneer in the CRM industry I have seen the impact that technology has made for thousands of companies and it inspired me to be the best for them. Orionwas created to partner with top industry leaders including Salesforce. Having the right culture and the right team makes anything possible! Orion takes businesses on a journey to guide them and their customers to grow in the fourth industrial revolution by changing the way people work and live through CRM, artificial intelligence, cloud platforms, and more.

Q: When it comes to your business, what has been your proudest moment to date?

When I started Orion on day one, I printed the Core Values that continue to guide Orion today. I am so incredibly proud of the personal growth I have seen my teammates achieve, both personally and professionally, and the life-long relationships we have built with our customers and the community. This really came to life in the moment when I saw my family, teammates, and customers celebrating together on what we accomplished and continue to build.

Q: What impact do you hope your business has on society as it grows?

Orion’s mission is to guide and mentor business leaders so they can achieve success via business transformation and, in turn, have a positive impact on the world through happier customers, employees, and future leaders. Orion is also a proud member of the Pledge 1% program, which encourages corporations and business leaders to give back to their communities. Orion actively seeks out volunteering opportunities and participates in community-driven events. Sustainability and our future is very important to me. I have created an Environmental Sustainability Pledge for other entrepreneurs and businesses to be a part of. Dozens of companies and organizations have signed this pledge.

Q: If selected as the winner of the Dream Big Small Business of the Year Award, how will you invest the $25,000 grand prize?

Professional development for our team and customers, giving back to the community via Pledge 1%, and teaching the youth about leadership and sustainability.

Q: In your experience, what do you think the future of business looks like for the next generation?

Technology and artificial Intelligence will be a crucial part of the future of business and will change how we work and interact with each other and our society. We are responsible for this world and it’s up to us to keep it sustainable

To learn more about the 2019 Dream Big Award finalists, click here.

About the authors

Kelly Rosenblatt

Kelly Rosenblatt

Kelly Rosenblatt is the former Social Media and Digital Operations Project Manager at the U.S. Chamber.