Natural gas is an abundant and affordable fuel that provides the United States with a unique advantage: promoting economic growth while also reducing emissions. This advantage translates to supporting jobs and our economy, improving air quality, and strengthening our national security. 

Press contact: Matt Letourneau 

Sample Social Media Messages 


  • #NatGas provides American families, consumers, and businesses with the clean, reliable, and affordable energy needed to fuel our economy. 
  • Natural gas is the backbone of a clean energy economy—no other source of energy has been responsible for more CO2 reductions over the past 15 years in the United States than #NatGas. 
  • From Main Street to the assembly line, natural gas is driving economic growth. Every day, it provides consumers and businesses with the clean, reliable, and affordable energy needed to fuel our economy. 
  • American-produced natural gas is providing stability around the world. Today, rather than relying on imports from unstable parts of the world, we use our homegrown energy to meet our domestic needs. 
  • Abundant. Affordable. Advantageous. #NatGas is a strategic asset for the United States. Abundant energy sources like natural gas benefit American national security by making us less dependent on foreign sources of energy. 


  • Natural gas is a natural advantage to the United States. An integral part of the American energy system, #natgas supplies over 40 percent of the nation’s electricity and is preferred by 51 percent of Americans as their cooking fuel of choice. Residences using natural gas for cooking, heating, and other in-home purposes save an average of $1,132 per year.
  • Providing direct economic benefit across an array of commercial and industrial sectors, #natgas saved U.S. businesses more than $500 billion over the past decade. Natural gas is a low-cost and versatile option that offers a critical, competitive advantage for American enterprises. #NatGasNaturalAdvantage 
  • An abundant primary energy source, natural gas plays a key role in improving the environment and contributing to a clean energy future through significant emissions reductions.


  • #NatGasNaturalAdvantage 
  • #NatGas 


U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Global Energy Institute