Now that you’ve completed the steps and launched the Federation Partnership Program for your small businesses, you’ll want to keep your membership data updated and spread the word.

Maintaining Member Data

Please be sure to update your member data at least once a year. However, we recommend updating once a month to keep your roster up to date and ensure only your current members are receiving Federation Partnership benefits.

Please visit to get started.

Why maintain your membership data?
Remember, through the Federation Partnership Program, your members receive complimentary access to many U.S. Chamber services and benefits. As your organization gains more members, make sure to add them so they can take advantage of these resources as well. We hope offering access to our resources will help serve as a retention tool for you. If your members decide not to renew, they will continue to be able to access U.S. Chamber resources until you remove them from your membership.

Promote the Program to Your Members

This program only works if your members know about the tools and resources available to them through their U.S. Chamber federation membership. Provide value and retain your members by promoting the federation partnership along with your own membership benefits. We’ve put together a full kit of marketing collateral and customizable pieces to help you in the marketing kit below.

Re-Launching: Remind Your Members of the Benefits

Has it been a while since your launch? Did you recently acquire many new members? We encourage you to send another announcement email to all of your eligible small businesses, including the new ones. See the launch email template below.

Marketing Kit

Take advantage of the following materials to help spread the word about your involvement in the Federation Partnership Program.

Just click to download, and customize the pieces by adding your organization's name or logo.

1. Launch Announcement Email Template
A customizable email template to help guide you through announcing your participation in the Federation Partnership Program to your members.

Launching the Program - Email Announcement Template

2. U.S. Chamber Membership Benefits One Pager
A one page flyer for potential members that displays all the benefits provided, such as affinity partners and grassroots coalitions. Simply add your organization's name and print.

Federation Partnership Program - Member Benefits One Pager

3. U.S. Chamber Web stickers for your Website
Your choice of a U.S. Chamber Websticker to display on your site.

Webstickers page

4. Membership Card Template
Remind your members of their U.S. Chamber membership number by distributing cards that you can quickly make by dropping your logo in the top right hand corner.

Low Resolution (Word)

High Resolution (Word)

5. Informational Document Templates
A customizable article, with your organization's information, that helps get the word out to members about the Federation Partnership program.


Advocacy Newsletter

6. Press Release Template
A customizable press release that provides your organization with the opportunity to tell your community or industry about this new way of doing business.

Press Release

Questions on any of these tools? Contact or call 202-463-5560.