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Health Care

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America has the most advanced health care in the world, in large part due to private sector-led innovation and employer-sponsored healthcare coverage.

While Americans benefit tremendously from ongoing advancements in bioscience, technology, and care, we continue to wrestle with the challenge of making quality health care more affordable, more accessible, and more reliable for all Americans. At the U.S. Chamber, we’re pushing for value-based healthcare solutions that reduce costs and reward quality outcomes.

Take action to protect American patients

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have started the process of imposing government price controls on critical medical treatments. This will have devastating consequences for patients who are counting on new life-saving drugs.

Unless we act, this is going to happen to us.

Join us in urging Congress to protect American patients and stop this price control regime!

Read these first

Feature video

HRSA's Carole Johnson discusses rising U.S. maternal mortality rates and the national initiatives aiming to reverse this trend.

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Feature story

Ninety four percent of employers report making new investments in care for mental health and substance use disorders.

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Spotlight on Mental Health

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