October 17, 2022
Whether it’s changing bad laws, eliminating burdensome regulations, or pushing back on unfair court rulings, the U.S. Chamber fights for small business on Capitol Hill, before government agencies, and in the courts every day.
Our Small Business Council is made up of small business owners from across the country who have first-hand knowledge of the unique needs of small businesses to help drive the Chamber’s decision-making. Recent advocacy on behalf of America’s small business community includes successfully opposing small business tax increases in the Inflation Reduction Act, fighting against federal regulatory overreach in the courts, and passage of the PPP and other emergency loan programs for small businesses during the pandemic.
In the video and testimonials below, members of the Small Business Council share how the Chamber’s advocacy has benefited their business.
Amy Fazackerley, Lay-n-Go
Alexandria, Virginia
Amy Fazackerley, CEO and founder of Lay-n-Go, a manufacturer of organizational solutions, says the Chamber understands key issues and how it will impact small businesses.
“The Chamber has introduced us to multiple levels of people that have helped us address the issues we are facing, whether it be tariffs or intellectual property, and making those connections really helps us navigate through these issues.”
She says the Chamber also helps business owners get their voices heard.
“The Chamber has introduced us to the press, to top decisionmakers on the Hill,” Fazackerley says. “Small business and what we bring to the table is so important for our economy and our country. The U.S. Chamber Small Business Council is really a sounding board for the Chamber. We are the voice of Main Street.”
Mike Zaffaroni, Liberty Landscape Supply
Jacksonville, Florida
Mike Zaffaroni, owner of Liberty Landscape Supply says he gains more knowledge on the latest policy information by working with the U.S. Chamber.
“I love the information that is communicated to me and the comradery between other small business and owners from around the country,” Zaffaroni says. “They're all leaders in their own community, so you're getting really good quality information from good quality business owners who are fighting through the same things that we're fighting through.”
Zaffaroni says the Chamber is “a wonderful advocate for business” and fights for what he believes in.
“I believe in job creation, job growth, and successful businesses creating opportunities for individuals, for families, for generations,” Zaffaroni says. “If we start to lose sight of the importance of business and how business can positively impact our lives, then I think we're making a gigantic mistake. There’s really no better advocate for business than the U.S. Chamber. And there's no louder voice.”
Casey Stanley, Boyce Systems
Muncie, Indiana
Boyce Systems is a medium-sized software company serving municipal governments, cities and towns, as well as public school systems. Casey Stanley, president of Boyce Systems, says the Chamber understands small business needs and problems.
“The U.S. Chamber, first of all, starts out by listening to small business,” he says. “At the heart of what the Chamber does is small business and the unique challenges and opportunities that small business owners face. That's the first thing they do, understand our business.”
But the interaction doesn’t stop there—there’s also action and advocacy.
“The U.S. Chamber is like having a small army of people working on our behalf,” Stanley says. “They are relentless in their fighting and evangelizing on our behalf. As a small business, it is a turbulent and choppy sea for us to navigate in a small boat sometimes. But the U.S. Chamber is active and engaged in D.C. They're on the Hill, they are a voice, and they are a megaphone for those things that are most important to us in a way that we can never do by ourselves.”
To learn more about how the Chamber is advocating for small business, see more of our recent advocacy work and small business programs.
About the authors

Thaddeus Swanek
Thaddeus is a senior writer and editor with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's strategic communications team.