
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia

Case Status

Docket Number


Case Updates

District court grants summary judgment against the State of West Virginia, permanently enjoining restrictions on lawyer advertisements concerning medical drugs and devices

May 07, 2021

Click here to view the order.

District court grants preliminary injunction against West Virginia law regulating lawyer advertisements concerning medical drugs and devices

June 26, 2020

The court held that plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of their First Amendment challenge. The U.S. Chamber filed an amicus brief defending the constitutionality of the law.

U.S. Chamber files amicus brief defending the constitutionality of West Virginia law regulating lawyer advertisements concerning medical drugs and devices

June 02, 2020

Click here to view the Chamber’s amicus brief. Elbert Lin of Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP served as co-counsel for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center.

Case Documents
