November 02, 2020
The great state of Minnesota offers a unique snapshot of a tremendous natural resources economy that serves as the engine for job creation across the entirety of the state. From mining on the Iron Range, to agribusinesses covering greater Minnesota and along the southern border, to the refineries on the outskirts of the Twin Cities that provide jet fuel to the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport.
Special for so many reasons beyond just the landscape, Minnesota represents some of the very best of what America has to offer.
That is why the U.S. Chamber has a proud history of working with members from the Minnesota congressional delegation and actively endorses those seeking federal office who will support pro-business solutions to support the natural resource economy to Main Street job creators. One of those candidates we are proud to endorse in the 2020 election cycle is former Congressman Jason Lewis (R-MN-Sen).
As a member of the 115th Congress, Representative Lewis earned an 88% lifetime score on the U.S. Chamber’s annual “How They Voted” legislative scorecard. While in Congress and now as a candidate for U.S. Senate, Lewis stood up for the Enbridge Pipeline project to improve upon a dated system that would create several thousand jobs.
This is just a brief overview of the reasons why the U.S. Chamber and greater business community should stand solidly behind candidates like Representative Lewis who will fight tirelessly to defend jobs across the state and nation that are based on safe and responsible use of our great natural resources that power our homes, put food on our tables and fuel our travel. And now more than ever, we must elect members who will in turn stand up against job killing public policy proposals like the Green New Deal that would have a devastating effect on Minnesota’s families and economic climate.
We are proud to support Representative Lewis in his race for U.S. Senate, and we look forward to a productive legislative session ahead where we will continue to work with members from both parties to support and protect our natural resource economy.
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About the authors

Thomas J. Donohue
Thomas J. Donohue is advisor and former chief executive officer of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.