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an airplane flying in the sky

Join us for the Global Aerospace Summit

The world's foremost aviation and space experts, including CEOs and policymakers, will gather at the 2024 Global Aerospace Summit on Sept. 10-11 in Washington, D.C. The event is an opportunity to learn, network, and explore, with engaging discussions, exhibits, and state-of-the-art aircraft prototypes.


Feature story

This report examines the safety, climate and mobility benefits associated with autonomous vehicles and addresses the economic importance of their production and adoption.

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America is a nation on the move. While our transportation system is a tremendous national asset, it is aging and slowing Americans down. A crumbling transportation system reduces productivity, undermines our ability to move products across the country and around the world, and increases congestion and air pollution. Investment in modernized transportation infrastructure will fuel economic growth, enhance our competitiveness, and lead to job creation.


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