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Small Business

Woman making a video for her small business

Small businesses employ nearly half the entire American workforce and represent 43.5% of America’s GDP. As we have for over a century, the U.S. Chamber represents the full spectrum of the American business community. And like America, where most businesses are small businesses, the vast majority of our members—90%—are small businesses and state and local chambers of commerce.

Applications Open for the CO—100

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce CO—100 is a list of the top 100 small businesses in America from the world’s largest business organization. 

CO—100 businesses will earn national media exposure, get exclusive access to experts, and tap into one-of-a-kind VIP perks. In addition to these benefits, ten businesses will receive $2,000, and America's Top Small Business of the Year will be awarded $25,000.

How The Chamber Advocates for Small Business

Feature story

The CO—100 will comprise the nation’s most successful small businesses that are driving innovation, growth, and ingenuity in their communities and around the world.

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Feature Story

Elderly Instruments CEO and Co-Owner Lillian Werbin opened State of America Business 2024. Learn more about the business.

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The U.S. Chamber urges Congress to enact the “Main Street Tax Certainty Act,” which would make the 20% pass-through deduction permanent.

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Stand Up for Free Enterprise

Join us and become a part of our movement to save the system that will secure our collective future.

Your voice is essential, and your participation is critical.

Showcase: Innovative Small Businesses

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Feature story

The Chamber’s Prompt Pay Pledge is asking companies to pay small business suppliers and vendors faster. Our VP of Small Business Policy explains why it’s important for the economy.

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Feature video

A district attorney discusses the impact of rising retail crime and how entrepreneurs can keep their businesses and customers safe.

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Become a part of the world’s largest business organization and network

U.S. Chamber members range from small businesses and chambers of commerce across the country to startups in fast-growing sectors, leading industry associations, and global corporations.

Discover the ROI Chamber membership can deliver for you.


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