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Small Businesses

We help small businesses grow and strengthen our economy.

How we support small businesses

We have one mission: To help business leaders like you grow your company and strengthen our economy.

We work every day to fight for policies and regulations that benefit small business, elevate the voice of America’s small business owners, highlight the role they play in the nation’s economy, and support Main Street businesses’ growth and success with tailored resources and expert insights.  

A Uniquely Powerful Membership Experience

By becoming a member of the Chamber, you will be fueling our fight for government policies and regulations that help you run and grow your business, eliminate bureaucratic barriers, and strengthen America’s economy.

Read these first

Data center

Learn about small businesses’ contributions to the economy and the unique challenges they face.

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Feature story

Every week the U.S. Chamber's Vice President of Small Business Policy Tom Sullivan summarizes the latest data and what it means for the health of America's small businesses.

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Make a commitment to help small business suppliers and vendors manage their capital and improve cash flow.

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Small Business Bill of Rights

The Small Business Bill of Rights summarize the basic rights of business owners in America—and represent policies the U.S. Chamber supports and fights for every day.

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The MetLife & U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business Index delivers a comprehensive quantitative snapshot of the small business sector as well as explores small business owners’ perspectives on the latest economic and business trends.

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Designed for business owners, CO— is a site that connects like minds and delivers actionable insights for next-level growth.


Recent Guides for Small Businesses